

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 Months

Yesterday Avery Grace turned 5 months old.  M looked over at me at dinner last night and said, "It makes me really sad that she is getting so old!"  I feel like this month she really became a baby baby and not so much a tiny little being that only eats, sleeps, and cries .  She's a little person!  With a BIG personality.

Avery, here are your stats at 5 months:

Height and Weight- We didn't go to the doc this month, so we will get an update next month on these!  You are still long and lean!

Sleep-  You consistently go down anywhere between 7:30 and 8:00 and wake up to eat between 5:00 and 6:00AM.  After your early morning feed you will usually go  back to sleep for an hour or two.  On days when you are home with mommy, you take 2 long naps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) anywhere from 45min to 2 hr plus one catnap (20-30min) a day.

Likes: Your new piano toy daddy bought you, chewing on anything and everything, being sung to (esp during bath time), and going on walks.  You have also started to notice Lexi more this month and like reaching out to touch her.

Dislikes:  You are usually pretty chill.  You don't like being left alone for long periods of time, and you definitely let us know when you are ready for bed.  But on those rare occasions that you are unhappy you go from 0-60 in less than a millisecond.  A slight temper :)

Diaper Size- I wish they had a 2 1/2.  You are getting too long for the 2's.  But the 3's are way too big on your waist.

Clothes Size- 3 to 6 months

Feeding-  This is where this month has gotten fun!  You started eating cereal right after you turned 4 months.  We did that exclusively twice a day for about 3 weeks and have now moved on to green veggies!  We started you on green pees, which you LOVED the first night, then tolerated.  Last night you had your first serving of green beans.  Not too sure what you thought about them.  Otherwise, you are still exclusively nursing or receiving pumped milk. 

Hair Color- I'm going to go with dirty blonde.  But who really knows what color it's going to end up.  I still have people ask me if it has red in it.

Eye Color- Dark blue

Nicknames- Nug/Nugget and Aves

Milestones-  You are getting SO close to rolling from your back to your tummy.  You get halfway and then decide not to :)  This month you have really started noticing objects, reaching out for things, turning to Mommy and Daddy's voices, and looking up when we say your name.  You're getting closer to sitting up, but we're still working on balance!  Your little personality continues to develop.  We love hearing your sweet laugh.

Nugget, each month that goes by we are more in awe of how much we love you.  You are simply the greatest joy.  We are so blessed and proud to be your parents!

My little stinkpot

You can see the bandaids from her 4 month shots on her sweet little legs

"Not too sure Dad"

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