

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 Months!

As of this past Sunday, Avery Grace is 2 months old!  I feel like the time has flown by, and I'm currently bemoaning the fact that my maternity leave is coming to a close in a few short weeks...  Those daycare workers better beware, this momma will be watching the online cameras!  I know I have much to catch up on, Hardison's visit to Houston, our 3 week tour of the Southeast, Smith Family Vacation...but first things first.  Avery.. Seriously, 2 months old?!

Avery here are your stats at 2 months:

Weight: 11 pounds 7.5 ounces (75th percentile)

Length: 24 inches (90th percentile!) If I hadn't carried you myself, I would be convinced you weren't my child.  I'm pretty sure I never even came close to the 90th percentile growing up!  I don't know that I ever broke 50th.

Sleep:  On our vacation you got into a groove of only waking up once per night.  Usually around 2 to 3 AM.  Since we've been home, this has been another story.  In an attempt to get you on a better schedule before Mommy goes back to work, we have been putting you down an hour to hour and a half earlier.  For some reason, your little body has not taken well to it the past couple of nights, and you've only made it 3-4 hours at a time.  Hoping this works itself out soon, especially before I go back to work, or I will be a walking zombie!  I miss my 5-6 hour blocks!  You also started to take a really long afternoon nap while we were gone, about 2 to 3 hours.  You've only done this a couple times since we've been home, but I'm hoping the trend continues.

Likes:  Eating, your baby swing (you nap in it most days), car rides, falling asleep on Mommy, you started to really like bath time but since we've been home you've reverted to full hatred again!, your exercise mat, your paci, watching people talk to you, being outside

Dislikes:  You are not at your best when you have to wait to eat or you get overtired.  Mommy tries to avoid both of these things happening.  You still despise tummy time, and a lot of the times get so frustrated and angry that you fall asleep after 10 minutes or so.

Diaper Size: Still a 1.  We've figured out Pampers work best for you, but we're trying to use up all the Huggies that we have gotten.  They're free!

Clothes Size:  You are officially out of all your newborn things.  I actually packed some away yesterday and it made me really sad!  You are now in 0-3 months and 3 month clothing.  Even some of the 0-3 month onesies are getting too short for you!

Feeding: You are still nursing very well.  You started taking a bottle every once in a while, so that Mommy would be able to get out some without you.  You do great switching back and forth between the two.  I would say you are still nursing 98% of the time.  Since we've been back you haven't even had a bottle.

Hair Color:  Like before, in the sun it looks strawberry blonde.  When you need a bath it looks a little more light brown/dirty blonde.

Eye Color:  Still a beautiful dark blue!

Nicknames:  Nugget, Nug, Aves, Aves McGaves, and when you're fussy I call you a Fussy Gus

Milestones:  My favorite thing since last month?  You have started smiling!  When Mommy and Daddy talk to you, your face lights up and you get this big, beautiful smile.  Heart melting!  You've also started to coo/talk.  And your head control is awesome!

 In the last couple of weeks, you have really started to be a mommy's girl.  On vacation, there were times that I would pass you off to be held, and you would meltdown until I took you back and rocked you.  Not gonna lie, hate it for other people, love it for me.  Most people say you look like a Smith.  I do think you look like me a little bit in the face, especially compared to my newborn pictures.  But, I think you got the height from the Hardison side, both of your uncles are tall.  Here's hoping you got daddy's brain, hello college scholarship! :)

Nugget, Daddy and I are so blessed and honored to be your parents.  I don't know what we would do without you.  We marvel at every little laugh, smile, yawn... I may not love being tired getting up with you in the middle of the night , but a part of me will be sad when you start sleeping through the night, because I think I will miss spending time with you in the quiet.  We love you baby girl!  Here's to a fun rest of the year!

1 comment:

AmandaWalker said...

I can't believe how big she is getting. We've missed seeing y'all at First Family.