

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

40 Weeks In... 40 Weeks Out

As of today, our little love bug has been outside of Mommy the same amount of time she was inside.  In all honesty, there are quite a few similarities between the two, especially in the first few weeks of each...  You don't feel well, you're hormonal, food makes you sick, and of course last but not least, you are dog tired!  Of course in pregnancy, you don't have a newborn waking you every hour and half to eat :)

Avery, the last 40 weeks have been so much more fun than the first.  Although Mommy does miss everyone catering to her every last whim ;)  People have a hard time telling pregnant women "no"!  You are such a complete joy.  I cannot imagine life without you!  We love you!

Could I have been any more swollen?!  So much more fun on the outside :)

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