Burton here are your stats at 6 months:
Weight- 17 pounds 14 ounces (50%)
Length- 26.5 inches (75%) this was your exact length from your 4 month appointment, so either they were wrong then or were wrong this time. Obviously you've gotten longer over the last two months.
Head circumference: 17 inches (50%). I sort of figured your head was bigger, but it must be because you are bald :)
Sleep: go to bed usually around 8:30, sleep until 7:30-8:00. You've woken up a few times around 11 during the last week... You take a cat nap in the morning, a longer afternoon nap and sometimes another cat nap in the evening.
Eating: you eat baby food at dinner time. You've graduated from cereal and veggies to fruits now. There hasn't been anything you haven't liked. You still nurse every 3 hours.
Likes: Avery talking to you, I think she is by far your favorite person. Exersaucer, eating, bath time, putting anything and everything in your mouth, sucking your fingers. Your favorite place to nap is still on Mommy, something We still do about once or twice a week.
Dislikes: you still despise your car seat for any extended length of time... Something Aunt Ashley and I had to endure on our recent beach trip. Let's just say you were more unhappy than happy to be traveling.
Clothes size: 6-9 months, really more 9 months
Diaper size: 3, although I feel like you are probably ready for a 4
Hair Color: you are still too bald to really tell. It looks dirty blonde/brown in some spots and just blonde in others. I still think it will be close to the same color as sister's.
Eye Color: dark blue
Milestones: you started sitting up consistently right after you turned 5 months. Seems like you are getting so close to crawling. You somehow maneuver yourself across the playroom; you are never anywhere close to where I left you.
We love you sweet boy! We can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
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