

Monday, November 7, 2011

14 Weeks= 2nd Trimester!

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant and 1/3 of the way there... A milestone!  Nothing too significant has happened since our last ultrasound/doctor's appointment last week.  I won't go back to the doctor until right before Thanksgiving.  At the next visit we will schedule our ultrasound to find out the sex of Little Bean!  Should be scheduled for right around Christmas...couldn't think of a better Christmas present. 

Now, we are basically biding our time waiting for Thanksgiving to get here.  We decided last minute that we wanted to go to Cinci and Lex this year, and I am INCREDIBLY excited.  Just got to get through 2 1/2 more weeks of work, hopefully just a day of jury duty (lived here less than 5 months and already been called!), and we will be on our way.  It CANNOT get here soon enough.  I had somewhat emotionally informed M that I didn't know how I would handle missing Thanksgiving this year...hormones :)

I'm feeling a lot better, minus a few days of nausea.  I have some energy back, but I'm still pretty beat when I get home from work everyday.  It takes a LOT for me to motivate myself to work out these days, but I've been doing pretty well.  I am still running some, lifting occasionally, and forced myself to do yoga the other day much to my hatred of it.   Still able to wear all my pants, but I'm thinking I'm not too far away from needing one of those little nifty belly bands.  I'll be putting off buying maternity jeans for as long as possible!

On a side note...much to my chagrin, our neighborhood decided that this past weekend would be the perfect time to put up Christmas decorations.  1.  Everyone knows how I feel about decorating before Thanksgiving..too soon.  2.  It's still 80 degrees here today..Not really feeling in the Christmas spirit yet.  I just need some turkey, some of Aunt Jeannie's cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole, and a few days of wearing a winter coat, and I'll be good to go!  Countdown to Turkey Day is on!

14 weeks

We were devastated that the Tide lost on Saturday.  We hosted a party for the game and everything.  It was the first time all week that I had actually fixed my hair, so I decided it was high time to take a picture with M!

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